Produce Subscriptions


The Real Food Collaborative's produce subscription is an example of "Community-Supported Agriculture" (CSA) where consumers -- we the Cal Poly community (students, faculty, & staff) -- invest in a farm -- in this case, Cal Poly Orchards and Organic Farm -- in exchange for a share of the harvest, a bi-weekly produce box. Each pick up is 7-10 seasonal fruits and veggies grown on campus.

Produce Subscriptions

Produce Subscriptions

Pay as the quarter goes on. Use CASH/CHECK (payable to ASI - Cal Poly, memo: Real Food Collaborative) on your 1st pickup day. Pay in full ideally. If unable, inform us for a payment plan.

Pick-ups will be on Wednesdays on Dexter Lawn (close to the Library) from 2-4 pm. Don't forget a reusable tote!

Rotations will cost $75 - this includes 5 bi-weekly pick-ups ($15 each). One time pickups are $20.  

Subscribe to the Fall Quarter 23 CSA here!